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Emphasizing the capability to support multiple application chains/L3 layers will reflect in our technical implementation. By providing flexible infrastructure, developers can construct Dapps tailored to different application scenarios. Nomos Network highlights a bridge and network advantage, offering a solution that combines infrastructure scalability and flexible support for multiple application developments. Through state channel upgrades and shared sorting networks, L3 innovation and efficient scalability for L2 are achieved, further altering the landscape of distributed application ecosystems. We hope that Nomos Network isn't just the beginning of a new ecosystem but a milestone in L3 innovation, opening a new chapter for a more inclusive and dynamic digital future.
1️⃣ 本科及以上学历, 熟练使用Rust或C++语言, 熟悉常见的共识算法, 比如HotStuff / rPBFT / PBFT / DAG / DMC;
2️⃣ 有分布式服务经验,IM通讯,消息队列的相关经验优先;
3️⃣ 熟练常见的密码学知识,比如非对称加密, 签名算法, SR25519 / ED25519 / AES ;
4️⃣ 熟悉基本的Linux运维,以及git使用;
5️⃣ 自学能力强,沟通能力优秀,表达能力优秀, 在规定时间内高效完成任务;有良好的代码习惯,要求结构清晰、命名规范、逻辑性;
6️⃣ 熟悉Libp2p / IPFS / Substrate优先;
7️⃣ 有web3工作经验优先;
8️⃣ 责任心强,积极主动,有良好的沟通能力和团队合作能力。
$5000 - $5500 / month