一个 BI 工具的 SQL Parser 开发与 Interpreter 优化


  • 招聘人数: 1人
  • 兼职/全职 (至少20小时/每周)
  • 时薪: 25+ USD
  • 英语能力: 需要有读写能力
  • 时区要求: 无


目前需要一个负责继续开发 SQL Parser与优化 Interpreter 的工程师, 下面是老板的招聘需求:

We are looking to find an experienced JS/TS developer to work on a SQL parser and interpreter. You should have experience working with parsers and especially interpreters and good knowledge of advanced SQL and antlr4 grammar.

For qualified candidates we will share a repository with you and put you on a test to determine whether you would be a good fit for the position.


We have implemented a SQL parser and a SQL interpreter that support custom syntax/functions. Although the most functionalities have been implemented (though some inefficiently), the role involves continuing the development of this module, focusing on optimizing the existing code, especially the code about the interpreter.

The interpreter can simplify, check types, infer schemas, ... based on an input SQL and the database context without actually executing it in the real database.

Due to the domain specificity of this position, we are currently only accepting resumes/CV from developers with relevant development experience. Please send the link to your GitHub/Blog and the description of your related work experience with your resume/CV.


依照能力与工时评估, 详细工资可以和老板谈.

