是 web3 bar 太高还是我太菜,大家帮我看看

10 年的工作经验,前端后端都弄过。花了半年做了一个 web3 的全栈,代码有 3 万行吧。知名院校硕士 CS 专业 英语听说无障碍。 技术栈也在主流上,投了 2 周的简历(海投),只有两个面试,面完也杳无音信,开始自我怀疑了


  1. 10 years experience in web development(6 years backend, 4 year full stack,1 year full stack blockchain(MERN))
  2. A latest full stack project(NFT marketplace) using MERN+ solidity+metamask+ERC20+ERC1115+ethers.js is developed by myself from 0 -1. Check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCe7ilfKP8o&t=194s
  3. Hands-on experience on authentication&authorization. Ability to design framework regarding security using JWT, auth2.0,Cloudflare, authentication&authorization, SSO etc
  4. 2-year experience of working remotely, greate autonomy. Hard-hand on making decision when facing with uncertainties and ambiguity to push technology forward
  5. A good understanding about ethereum yellow paper. See my summary wrote last summer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pUqBUUE4f-biyxiKqXWDjjLmK28HQGo8/view?usp=drive_link
  6. Working hard.

Here is the list of my tech stack if you don't have time to check my CV:

[ Web3 ] - Ethereum, Solidity, openzeppelin, ethers, NFT, ERC721, ERC1115, ERC20, IPFS, Metamask, siwe, Hardhat, Remix, ganache, truffle etc [ MERN ] - MongoDB, Express.js, React, node, UT(Mocha, Jest, chai etc) [ Frontend ] - Material-ui(MUI), HTML, CSS,Javascript [ Java ] - Springboot/Spring Cloud: micro-service, MYSQL, JPA, UT etc [ Middleware/security ] - Redis, MQ(rabbit mq), Cloudflare,SSO, auth2.0,JWT etc [ CICD/process ] - Linux, AWS, gitlab/github pipeline, Docker. Git, Jira, Agile etc

